Shoals Anglican Mission's sacramental and liturgical worship service typically follows the structure outlined in the Book of Common Prayer with historic roots in both the ancient catholic (universal, undivided) church and the English Reformation. You will find a service bulletin, as well as a liturgy and songbook binder available as you enter the sanctuary that includes everything you will need to participate fully in the service.
We believe there are three key words that describe our worship style:
Simple, Biblical, and Participatory.
Here is a general overview of what you might expect in our worship service:
Atmosphere: You can expect to find peace and sanctuary here. For one hour of your week, you can be relieved of the constant bombardment of media and technology. Instead of bright lights, loud music, and emotional appeals, you will hear God's Word in simplicity, kneel or stand in humble prayer, and partake of bread and wine, all in preparation to return to the outside world to love and serve Christ.
Opening Acclamation: The service begins with an opening acclamation, which may include a greeting, and a call to worship.
Liturgy of the Word: This portion of the service focuses on the reading and proclamation of Scripture. It typically includes readings from the Old Testament, the Psalms, the New Testament Epistles, and the Gospels. A sermon will then be preached, interpreting the Scripture readings by faithful exposition for the congregation.
Creed: The Nicene Creed is recited by the congregation, affirming the core beliefs of the Christian faith.
Prayers of the People: Intercessory prayers are offered for the needs of the church, the world, and individuals.
Personal and Corporate Confession of Prayer: During our service, the congregation confesses their sins and receives assurance of God's forgiveness.
Liturgy of the Table: This portion of the service centers around the Lord's Supper. Most powerfully, the communal aspect of worship is expressed and enacted in the sharing of Holy Communion. The bread and wine are consecrated, and we receive by faith the benefits of Christ's death on the cross and resurrection from the dead in God's appointed elements of bread and wine. All baptized Christians are welcome to share in God's Holy Table.
Dismissal: The service concludes with a blessing and dismissal, sending the congregation out into the world to live out their faith.
Throughout the service, there may be hymns, other musical elements, as well as liturgical responses and shared prayers, including the Lord’s Prayer. The liturgical calendar also plays a significant role in our worship, with special services and observances throughout the year, such as Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, and Pentecost. For those unaccustomed to this way of worship, we invite you to come and experience the formative power of this ancient and Biblical way of worship. Questions are always welcome!
Together, Word and Sacrament form the core of Christian worship, nurturing believers' faith, fostering spiritual growth, and deepening their relationship with God. This emphasis on Word and Sacrament reflects the conviction that God meets His people, moves towards us, and communicates His grace through both the proclamation of His Word and administration of the sacraments. It's comforting to realize that, despite being sinners, we have the assurance of forgiveness. We pray you will leave our worship service having been immersed in the Word of God, and proclaimed the grace of God, for you, through the finished work of Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God!