We draw from the rich traditions, teachings, and practices of early Christianity in how we respond to God's love in Jesus Christ by faith which expresses itself in worship and service.
Ancient Faith serving Christ's Mission today
Ancient Faith serving Christ's Mission today
We draw from the rich traditions, teachings, and practices of early Christianity in how we respond to God's love in Jesus Christ by faith which expresses itself in worship and service.
The essential elements of spiritual life and growth that play an integral role in the life our church include:
Word of God
Central to Worship: The Word of God is at the heart of the church’s preaching, teaching, and daily devotions. Enlightened by the Holy Spirit, Scripture readings and sermons grounded in the Bible
guide the congregation in understanding God’s will and applying Christian principles to life. The Bible is often referred to as "spiritual food" that nourishes the soul. Regular reading and study of Scripture are seen as vital for personal spiritual growth, equipping believers to face challenges with faith both individually and corporately.
Communication with God: Prayer is often considered the lifeline of the church, fostering a personal and communal relationship with God. Through prayer, individuals and congregations seek guidance, express gratitude, confess sins, and intercede for others. Corporate prayer during services unites the church in shared petitions, praises, and worship. It is seen as a way for the church to align itself with God's will and purposes. Personal prayer life helps individuals grow in faith and develop a deeper connection with God, seeking His presence and wisdom in daily life.
Fellowship and Unity: The church is described as the "body of Christ" (1 Corinthians 12:27), where every member is connected and important. Community is where believers support one another in faith, worship, and daily life, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose. Being part of a faith community provides a space for spiritual accountability, encouragement, and growth. Church members encourage one another to live faithfully and hold each other up in difficult times. Community also extends beyond the walls of the church, with the congregation working together to reach others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This sense of mission drives outreach, evangelism, and charitable works.
Expressing Faith in Action: Service is led by the Holy Spirit and viewed as an expression of the church's mission to love others as Christ loved us. Acts of charity, helping the poor, and the marginalized are seen as a reflection of God's love and the Gospel message. Service inside and outside the church fosters a sense of purpose and embodies Christ's teachings about serving "the least of these" (Matthew 25:40). Service also involves helping one another within the church community, whether through volunteering, hospitality, or support in times of need, which strengthens the bonds of fellowship and unity.
Together, the Word of God, prayer, community, and service form a holistic approach to Christian life. Each element feeds into the others: the Word of God brings scripture to life and guides us towards prayer, prayer enriches self and community, and community fosters and strengthens service to each other and others. These elements are foundational to the church’s spiritual life and mission.
We, at Shoals Anglican Mission, are convinced that God changes lives through His Word, and His Church, and most clearly as the Church remains faithful to its ministry of Word and Sacrament (see below). We gladly partake of this mission through our core beliefs, worship, belonging, and compassion for each other and the world.
ARTICLE 25: Of the Sacraments.
Sacraments ordained of Christ be not only badges or tokens of Christian men's profession, but rather they be certain sure witnesses, and effectual signs of grace, and God's good will towards us, by the which he doth work invisibly in us, and doth not only quicken, but also strengthen and confirm our Faith in him. There are two Sacraments ordained of Christ our Lord in the Gospel, that is to say, Baptism, and the Supper of the Lord.
supper of the lord
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